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Nr.: 8313

Ledlenser K3
Den mindste fokuserbare lommelygte fra Ledlenser vejer kun 29 g - og vi har pakket en masse teknologi ind i det 7,7 cm lange hus: Takket være Rapid Focus-teknologien kan 14 lm1-tastlyset fokuseres og defokuseres med den ene hånd. Samtidig deler en speciel linse hvidt og blåt lys. Resultatet er en strålende hvid stråle med en glitrende blå ydre ring.
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- Excellent Ledlenser lighting quality – Brightness, beam distance and lighting duration are ideally coordinated for the energy source
- From the homogeneous circle of close range lighting (defocused) to a sharply bundled long-distance beam (focused) – The patented3 Advanced Focus System with reflector lense enables efficient, tailored lighting
- Fast changing of the light cone with just one hand – Rapid Focus
- Gigantic lighting performance for size and weight – Up to 33 meters1 beam distance with up to 14 lumens1 luminous
- flux Simple operation – Switch on and off by pressing the end cap switch
Ledlenser GmbH & Co Kg
Kronenstraße 5-7 | 42699 Solingen | Tyskland
Ledlenser GmbH & Co Kg
Kronenstraße 5-7 | 42699 Solingen | Tyskland
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